Regular Hours
Monday - Sunday: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Holiday Hours
Holiday Rates and FREE Lotion Sample With Purchase
New Years Day 1pm to 5pm
Martin Luther King 8am to 7pm
Super Bowl Sunday 8am to 4pm
Valentine’s Day 8am to 7pm
President’s Day 8am to 7pm
Easter 10am to 5pm
Mother’s Day 8am to 7pm
Memorial Day 8am to 7pm
Father’s Day 8am to 7pm
Independence Day 8am to 7pm
Labor Day 8am to 7pm
Columbus Day 8am to 7pm
Halloween 8am to 3pm
Veteran’s Day 8am to 7pm
Thanksgiving 8am to 1pm
Christmas Eve 8am to 4pm
Christmas Day CLOSED
New Year’s Eve 8am to 5pm
We do not offer Spray Tanning. Tanning Beds are offered on a first come, first-serve basis.